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The Post-Visit Journey: How Hotels Can Engage Guests and Build Lasting Relationships


The Post-Visit Journey: How Hotels Can Engage Guests and Build Lasting Relationships

For many hotels, the guest journey is often thought of as ending when a visitor checks out. However, the post-visit phase is one of the most critical opportunities for hotels to engage guests, build loyalty, and turn one-time visitors into repeat customers. This final stage of the guest experience isn’t just about saying goodbye—it’s about maintaining a relationship that encourages guests to return, leave reviews, and recommend your hotel to others.

In this blog, we’ll explore how hotels can extend the guest experience beyond the stay, using personalized communication, data-driven engagement, and loyalty programs to strengthen relationships and maximize long-term value.

1. Crafting a Memorable Farewell

The guest’s final impression of your hotel is shaped by the checkout process, and a positive exit can leave a lasting impression. Offering flexible and convenient checkout options—whether express checkout via mobile apps, key drop, or a personal farewell from staff—helps close the stay on a high note. A smooth, hassle-free experience ensures that guests leave feeling satisfied, making them more likely to reflect positively on their entire visit.

But this is just the beginning of the post-visit journey. What happens after the checkout is what can set your hotel apart from the competition.

2. Turning Stays into Connections

The most effective way to engage guests post-visit is through personalized follow-up communication. Gone are the days of generic emails. Today’s guests expect tailored outreach that reflects their specific stay, preferences, and interactions with your hotel.

Leverage First-Party Data:
Throughout the guest’s stay, hotels can gather valuable insights via first-party data—whether it’s dining preferences, spa services, or room upgrades. Use this data to craft personalized follow-up emails that speak directly to the guest’s experience. For example, if a guest frequently ordered cocktails by the pool, you could offer them a discount on poolside dining for their next visit. With GoTab POS, you have the ability to gather first party ordering data that you can leverage throughout the guests stay. With access to historical ordering information, you can send special packages or discounts to your guests.

Timely Thank-You Messages:
A well-timed thank-you email can have a powerful impact. Sending a message shortly after checkout, expressing gratitude for their stay, sets a positive tone. But don’t stop there—go the extra mile by including a special offer for their next stay or an invitation to join your loyalty program. Personalized offers make guests feel valued and incentivized to return.

Feedback Requests for Continuous Improvement:
Inviting guests to share feedback on their experience not only shows that you care about their opinion but also helps your hotel identify areas for improvement. Consider using post-visit surveys or inviting reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor or Google. Offering an incentive, such as a small discount on their next stay in exchange for a review, can increase participation and improve your online reputation.

3. Keeping the Connection Alive

Post-visit email marketing is a crucial strategy for keeping your hotel top of mind. However, to truly engage guests, it’s essential to make these communications as relevant and personalized as possible.

Segmented Campaigns:
Using ordering data, segment your audience to deliver targeted messages. For example, guests who stayed for a romantic getaway might receive offers for future couples’ packages or exclusive dining experiences. Guests who visited for business could receive promotions for weekday stays with added amenities like high-speed Wi-Fi or meeting room discounts. With GoTab, you have the ability to set up booking experiences and segment marketing lists.

Anniversary Emails & Milestone Celebrations:
Sending a personalized “anniversary” email, marking the date of a guest’s previous stay, is a thoughtful way to re-engage them. Include a special offer or discount to encourage them to return. Additionally, recognizing milestones like a guest’s birthday or their loyalty program anniversary can foster a deeper emotional connection.

4. Building Long-Term Loyalty Through Personalized Rewards

One of the most effective ways to ensure guests return is by offering a loyalty program that goes beyond simple discounts. Personalization is key to turning loyalty into advocacy.

Tailored Loyalty Perks:
Rather than offering the same generic rewards to all members, use guest data to personalize loyalty perks. For example, if a guest frequently books spa services, offering a complimentary spa treatment on their next visit shows that you’ve taken their preferences into account. Similarly, if they often upgrade their room, you could offer early access to room upgrades as part of their loyalty benefits.

Exclusive Invitations:
Create a sense of exclusivity by offering loyalty members early access to special events, promotions, or room rates. Exclusive invitations to events, such as wine tastings, cooking classes, or members-only dinners, make guests feel like VIPs and increase the likelihood of future bookings.

5. Social Media Engagement: Amplifying the Guest Experience

Post-visit engagement isn’t limited to email—it extends to social media as well. Many guests share their hotel experiences on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Encourage guests to tag your hotel or use a specific hashtag during their stay, and after they leave, engage with their posts by liking, commenting, or sharing their content. This interaction not only boosts the guest’s connection with your brand but also amplifies your hotel’s visibility to their followers.

User-Generated Content Campaigns:
Create opportunities for guests to share their experiences by launching user-generated content (UGC) campaigns. For example, you could encourage guests to post photos of their favorite moments from their stay with a branded hashtag. Offer a prize, such as a complimentary stay or dining experience, for the best submission. This strategy not only drives engagement but also provides your hotel with authentic content to showcase on your own social channels.

6. Continuous Engagement: Encouraging Return Visits

Finally, the ultimate goal of post-visit engagement is to encourage return visits. To achieve this, your hotel needs to remain top of mind.

Seasonal Promotions & Personalized Offers:
Send targeted promotions during key travel seasons, offering special rates or packages that align with guests’ past behaviors. If a guest previously stayed during the holidays, offer them a festive package for the next holiday season, complete with a personalized note reminding them of their last visit.

Reactivation Campaigns for Dormant Guests:
For guests who haven’t returned in a while, a reactivation campaign can reignite their interest. Send a personalized message offering an exclusive discount or inviting them to try a new experience at your hotel, such as a renovated space or a new restaurant concept. Remind them of the positive memories they had during their last stay, and provide an incentive to return.

Transforming One-Time Stays into Lifelong Relationships

The post-visit phase is a critical yet often overlooked part of the guest journey. It’s not just about saying goodbye; it’s about maintaining a connection that extends far beyond check-out. By leveraging personalized follow-ups, data-driven marketing, loyalty programs, and social media engagement, hotels can turn guests into lifelong advocates who return again and again.

Ready to enhance your post-visit strategy? Learn how GoTab’s Hotel & Resort POS can help you collect valuable guest data, personalize follow-up communications, and drive long-term loyalty. Request a demo today!


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Situado “en el corazón de todo, pero lo suficientemente tranquilo como para que se sienta alejado de todo”, el Limelight Hotel Snowmass ofrece 99 habitaciones de hotel y 11 residencias, así como acceso a pie a góndola en invierno y verano — justo en el medio de Snowmass Base Village.

La situación

Especialmente en los últimos años, el equipo de TI de Limelight Hotels había sido testigo de un cambio significativo hacia la tecnología sin contacto en la industria hotelera. Después de evaluar los puntos de fricción en el viaje de los huéspedes, alinearse con las plataformas tecnológicas modernas en su restaurante se determinó que era una forma efectiva de ofrecer experiencias gastronómicas sin contacto elevadas a sus huéspedes al tiempo que evolucionaban sus plataformas tecnológicas para continuar apoyando los objetivos de la compañía a largo plazo. Limelight Hotel se asoció con GoTab para proporcionar una experiencia gastronómica mejorada bajo demanda a la par con la reputación de la marca por su excepcional servicio a los huéspedes.

La Solución

Reducir los puntos de contacto del personal sin sacrificar la experiencia del huésped

Ahora los huéspedes pueden comenzar una pestaña desde su habitación o en el restaurante del establecimiento escaneando un código QR, mandando un mensaje de texto con un enlace a amigos o familiares en la pista de esquí para agregar sus pedidos, luego reunirse en el patio o en el lodge para disfrutar de su comida y las festividades después de esquiar sin interrupción. Al agilizar tareas como la entrada de pedidos y el procesamiento de pagos, esto elimina la fricción para el personal del hotel y les permite enfocarse en brindar un servicio de atención al cliente de renombre para una experiencia memorable. Desde que se asoció con GoTab, Limelight Snowmass ha visto consistentemente promedios de cheques y ventas más altos.

“Encontramos que las plataformas de Punto de Venta que estábamos buscando ofrecían al huésped y al personal oportunidades limitadas para reducir aún más los puntos de contacto o mejorar la experiencia del restaurante tradicional. La plataforma GoTab permitió al huésped tomar un papel activo sobre el flujo de su experiencia, al tiempo que reduce los puntos de contacto y agiliza aún más las operaciones del restaurante.” Nick Giglio, Gerente de Operaciones de TI Hoteleras, The Little Nell Hotel Group

Según el equipo de Limelight Hotels, a algunas de las otras plataformas que se evaluaron les faltaban algunas de las piezas que buscaban, tenían modelos débiles de atención al cliente, o tenían poca disposición para desarrollar integraciones a las plataformas hoteleras existentes ya existentes. Para ello, GoTab se integró con la plataforma basada en la nube, Infor. Juntos, GoTab e Infor están proporcionando soluciones dinámicas para apoyar un servicio central y eficiente en todas las comodidades del hotel y brindar experiencias excepcionales a los huéspedes.

“Anteriormente, los invitados llamaban al restaurante para comenzar un pedido desde su habitación o mientras estaban fuera disfrutando de las pistas de esquí. Con GoTab, los huéspedes ahora pueden realizar pedidos desde cualquier lugar del resort, dándoles el servicio bajo demanda que desean sin interrumpir su día. GoTab nos empodera para darle control al huésped, reduciendo los puntos de contacto y agilizando las operaciones generales del restaurante, haciendo de Limelight Hotel el resort de elección para Snowmass” Nick Giglio, Gerente de Operaciones de TI Hoteleras, The Little Nell Hotel Group

Desde que presentó GoTab, The Limelight Hotel ha visto un nivel constante de ventas adicionales y artículos vendidos por cheque, lo que resulta en una captura de ingresos adicional. Han sido capaces de mantener los niveles de servicio en sus restaurantes durante periodos en los que había una menor dotación de personal disponible sin disminuir significativamente la experiencia de los huéspedes.

Los Beneficios

Eliminar pedidos telefónicos — Toma órdenes de las pistas. Los huéspedes pueden comenzar una pestaña desde su habitación o en la montaña sin interrumpir el flujo de su día.

Tecnologías a prueba de futuro: entrega de pedidos sin contacto elevados mediante la integración con la plataforma de administración hotelera Infor.

Eliminación de la fricción en el viaje del huésped: mantener los niveles de servicio durante períodos de reducción de personal sin disminuir la experiencia del huésped.

  • Eliminación de la fricción en el viaje del huésped: mantener los niveles de servicio durante períodos de reducción de personal sin disminuir la experiencia del huésped.
  • Eliminación de la fricción en el viaje del huésped: mantener los niveles de servicio durante períodos de reducción de personal sin disminuir la experiencia del huésped.
  • Eliminación de la fricción en el viaje del huésped: mantener los niveles de servicio durante períodos de reducción de personal sin disminuir la experiencia del huésped.
  • Eliminación de la fricción en el viaje del huésped: mantener los niveles de servicio durante períodos de reducción de personal sin disminuir la experiencia del huésped.

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